Our Unique Approach
in Calgary

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Discover Our Holistic Approach to Dentistry

A healthy smile is more than healthy teeth. Our approach understands the connection between oral health and overall health.

At Health First Dental, our biological approach is rooted in science, systemic health, and modern technology. We use innovative tools like digital X-rays, ultrasonic cleaning equipment, and laser-assisted gum therapy. We offer bacterial and biocompatibility testing so we can personalize treatment plans and help you make informed healthcare decisions.

We look forward to sharing our health-centered approach to dentistry with you and your family.

Why We Don’t Use Fluoride

Our philosophy at Health First Dental is that your health comes first. 

For the same reasons, we’re cautious about using mercury amalgam fillings or about exposing our patients to fluoride. Some fluoride research questions fluoride’s role in cavity prevention and links it to cancer, thyroid disease, cardiovascular diseases, brittle bones, infertility, dental fluorosis (white spots on teeth), and neurological issues.

Bacteria Testing

Microscopic bacteria testing can help us gain a deeper understanding of the unique bacterial makeup in your mouth. 

This isn’t just about plaque buildup or bad breath. Certain harmful bacteria can lead to significant health problems when untreated, including tooth loss, infections, and gum disease. 

By analyzing the types and quantities of bacteria present, we can create a targeted treatment plan that helps us proactively manage your care. 

We can also evaluate the effectiveness of your at-home oral hygiene and professional dental treatments, allowing us to make adjustments as needed.

Material Testing

Biological dentistry emphasizes the use of biocompatible materials. Non-compatible or reactive materials can interfere with your overall health, from increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues to oral galvanism (“battery mouth”).

Through biocompatibility testing, we can identify materials your body can tolerate. No material is universally “safe” or non-reactive for everyone, so this testing helps determine dental products that are uniquely suitable for you.

A biocompatibility report (or dental materials reactivity test) can identify material sensitivities by testing your immune response to chemicals in dental materials, including metals, composites, cements, and anesthetics. The analysis covers over 6,300 dental products, categorizing them as “suitable” or “not suitable” for your body, helping avoid immunological reactions.

Mercury-Free Fillings

Some research suggests that silver-coloured (dental amalgam) fillings contain about 50% mercury, a toxic, easily absorbed substance that can build up in living tissue. Exposure to mercury, even in small amounts, could lead to serious health issues affecting the nervous, digestive, and immune systems. For this reason, we are cautious about using dental amalgam fillings, and do not offer it at our clinic. 

We follow protocols to safely remove harmful materials, including mercury-safe amalgam removal techniques. We aim to minimize your exposure and prevent the release of mercury particles into our office or the environment.

Porcelain Restorations & Alternatives to Amalgam

We want you to enjoy your smile for years to come. That’s why we recommend porcelain and composite bonding for fillings and dental restorations–tooth-coloured materials that can blend seamlessly with your existing smile. 

Moreover, porcelain and composite bonding are typically biocompatible, meaning they are less likely to cause sensitivity or allergic reactions. These options can help promote healthier outcomes, benefiting your oral health and preserving your natural-looking smile.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Early detection is key in the fight against oral cancer, as it can often be treated successfully if caught early. 

We prioritize your health and comfort by using the innovative Oral CDx Brush Biopsy system. 

Using a small brush, we gently collect cells inside the mouth, which are then sent to a lab for analysis. This minimally invasive approach helps us avoid an uncomfortable surgical biopsy and can be performed quickly and conveniently during a routine dental exam.

Oral cancer screening should be done annually by your dentist.

Digital X-Rays: Lower Risk with More Details

Your safety and comfort matter to us, so we use digital X-ray technology. Unlike traditional film X-rays, digital X-rays emit significantly less radiation, minimzing your exposure. 

Digital images can also provide greater detail than film X-rays, helping us to see the intricate structures within your mouth and jaw. With digital images, we can diagnose potential concerns more accurately, including tooth decay, hidden fractures, jawbone cavitations, sinus abnormalities, or TMJ disorders. Digital X-rays are also used to assess the health of your jawbone for implant placement or the position of wisdom teeth.

Laser-Assisted Gum Therapy

Laser-assisted gum therapy, or laser periodontal therapy (LPT), is a minimally invasive treatment for periodontal (gum) disease. Unlike traditional surgical methods, LPT uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT), emitting subthermal laser light energy to facilitate healing—a process known as biostimulation.

LPT involves directing a concentrated beam of light energy into the affected area. This precisely focused energy can help us selectively remove diseased tissue while sterilizing the area, reducing the presence of bacteria and viruses.

Benefits of Laser-Assisted Gum Therapy

Laser periodontal therapy can offer multiple advantages over traditional gum therapy treatments, including:

  • Accelerated healing
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Reduced bleeding
  • Shorter dental visits
  • Decreased risk of infection
  • Less sensitivity

Anesthetic Reversal Agent & Local Anesthesia

Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. We understand that dental procedures can sometimes cause anxiety, and we strive to make your experience as relaxing as possible. That’s why we offer local anesthesia options to help minimize discomfort during your treatment. 

We also offer a local anesthesia reversal agent to significantly shorten the duration of numbness after your procedure so you can get back to your day-to-day activities quickly. Our goal is to provide a comfortable and efficient dental experience.

Your Health Comes First: Visit Us Today

We believe a healthy smile is the foundation of overall wellness. Our approach combines thorough care, innovative technology, and a deep-rooted passion for evidence-based healthcare, all dedicated to providing positive outcomes for you and your family.

Our team is here to empower you with knowledge and support because your health comes first. Book your dental exam today and discover our holistic approach to family dentistry.

Personalized General Dentistry

We’re here to support you and your family so you can keep smiling brightly.

We can diagnose and treat common concerns like gum disease, TMJ disorders, and tooth decay. We can also help diagnose more serious conditions like oral cancer and can carefully examine other potential health risks from materials like mercury fillings, fluoride, and incompatible metals, promoting treatments that prioritize your safety and overall health.

Dr. Sean Freiberg, Dr. Jenna Kerbrat, and our dedicated team rely on scientific evidence and individual testing to offer health-centred solutions for oral care.

Our Location

Find our practice at the Northland Village shopping centre, inside the Northland Professional Centre right across the lot from the Walmart Supercentre.

Our Address

  • 303 4600 Crowchild Trail NW
  • Calgary, AB T3A 2L6

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Clinic Hours

8:00 AM 4:30 PM
8:00 AM 4:30 PM
8:00 AM 4:30 PM
8:00 AM 4:30 PM
8:00 AM 4:30 PM

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